These drawings could be meditation exercises, extensions of the act of touching and marking, with the purpose of inquiring into the act of perception itself in order to achieve the experience of non-separation, to dissolve the experience iNTO consciousness. 

The following is a description of each of the work areas:

I_Marks >Direct impressions of inked bones on watercolor paper

In the process of developing this work, I began to ink the bones of arms and legs, hands and feet. I later incorporated the thorax. In this initial part of the work, 22 basic marks were developed, which constitute the primary language of the work.


II_Movements > Displacement of marks on paper

The second stage of the process consisted of incorporating movement to the marks.

Work was developed with 12 basic movements.


III_Combinations > Fusion of marks and movements

The combinations may have one or several of the following characteristics:

1] Works consisting of marks and movements or combinations of markings

2] Breaking the grid as the basic structure

3] Integrating color (red sumi ink)

This section consists of 15 pieces. 

IV_Activities > Marks of the body in motion while carrying out everyday life activities

In this case, the activities were: kneading bread and moving feet over sand

The work process for each of the activities was the following:

1] Kneading bread

  • Ink the flour
  • Proceed to knead the inked flour on watercolor paper

I am presenting 12 pieces in this section. 

2] Feet in motion over sand

  • Ink the skin with red ink
  • Place feet on sand
  • Displace by moving over paper

I am presenting 7 pieces in this section. 


Mixed Media / 1989-2000

Videos and installations / 2001-2011

Ink Drawings – Series 1 & 2 / 2014-2018



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